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Let the Games begin

Join us for a competition that’s fun, fast and friendly – even when it gets fierce! Our BLAZE Community Games provide the ultimate way to come together as a team in a quest for national and international glory.

A HIIT competition like no other

Based on BLAZE, our much-loved Signature HIIT class, the BLAZE Community Games see teams of three compete to achieve the highest score.

This is based on treadmill distance, and repetitions achieved in strength and combat, as well as time spent in the high-intensity ‘red zone’. It’s not just about speed and power. The winning teams will need to think about tactics and strategy to come out on top.

How it works

Rules and FAQs

Expert insights


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How it works

Join your team to participate in the BLAZE Community Games Heats and celebrate the BLAZE-Tribe community at the Club socials. The top 10 scoring teams on the leaderboard will qualify for National Finals.
National Finals
The top 10 scoring teams are invited to battle at the UK’s National Finals. Teams will be put through their paces with a new workout using the same scoring system.
International Finals
The Games go global, as the winning teams from each of the six National Finals represent their country in the International Finals at David Lloyd Amsterdam.

Ready to take part?

If you can book BLAZE as part of your membership, you can join in. Simply book onto one of our special BLAZE Community Games Heats via the David Lloyd Clubs app. These are running throughout March 2025.

Don’t have a team? No problem – speak to a BLAZE Supervisor at your local Club and they’ll be able to get you onto a team of like-minded members.

Rules and FAQs

Who can enter?

BLAZE Community Games is for everyone who can book BLAZE. Even if you have never tried BLAZE before, you can give it a go and join in the fun with other like-minded participants.

Do I have to be in a team and what if I don't have one?

You need to be in a team of three to enter, but if you don’t have a full team, don’t worry. Speak to your BLAZE Supervisor and they will help find you some like-minded ‘Blazers’ to get you ready to enter.

How do I enter?

To enter, simply book on to one of the BLAZE Community Games Heats classes via the David Lloyd Clubs App with your team.

Each teammate will need to book on to the class. The heats classes will be running from 3rd March – 30th March 2025.

How does the scoring work?

Your team score is generated by the distance covered on the treadmills, and repetitions counted in strength and combat, as well as trying to achieve accuracy with your Myzone red minutes at the end of the class. Using the BLAZE target of 9 to 18 minutes in the red zone, 18 minutes becomes the ’sweet spot’ - if you go over that, your score lowers. Technique and control are key.

How many heats can I enter?

The heats will run throughout March, your team can enter as many times as you like to help master and improve your score. Only your team's highest score is kept on the leaderboard.

What is heats week?

Heats week will run one week before the official heats start. It will give you and your team an opportunity to try the games before generating a score. Ask your BLAZE Supervisor which classes will be running the classes.

Do I need my own Myzone device?

Yes, you will need your own Myzone device to enter the games. This is so it is most accurate for you so you can generate the best possible score. Remember you can pick up a Myzone Switch at reception for a David Lloyd Clubs members price.

What can I win?

Other than pride? At the national finals you can win a gift bundle from RDX as well as a cash prize to the winners!

When is the final?

Here is a list of the dates for all of the finals:

Spain - David Lloyd Turo 3rd May

UK - David Lloyd Raynes Park 11th May

Germany – David Lloyd Meridian Wandsbek 17th May

Fr/ Swiss/ Belgium - David Lloyd Geneva Country Club 18th May

Netherlands – David Lloyd Amsterdam 24th May

Italy – David Lloyd Malaspina 25th May

International finals – David Lloyd Amsterdam 14th June

Expert insights

How to los
Blaze Games
BLAZE Community Games: The Games go global!


When the contest kicks off, you’ll be able to check all the scores here.

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